Are you searching for a opportunity to work, live, and become a citizen legally in the United States or Canada?
Workforce Hope helps people around the world to live and work in the United States or Canada.
We serve families from around the world like yourself, and help employers in the United States and Canada find you.
Whether you are already in the United States, Canada, your home country, or in a transitional location, we will review your unique situation to best pair your work skills and visa eligibility with a job from a reputable employer.
Employers can use our legal team or chose their own.

How it works
Apply to our database to become visible to employers in need of your skills, and uplaod our documents.
Workforce Hope employers file job requests with us and will find you if you are a fit for them.
If employers see you as a candidate they will reach out
If employers offer a position you can choose to accept or decline
Visa processing can be done with our team's assistance or whoever the employer chooses
Wait for application to be approved or declined, and upon approval apply for travel authorization
Workforce Hope team will work with you and the employer to coordinate logistics to your new community.
Welcome to your new home!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to be able to speak English?
It depends on the employer and on the job. Some jobs require very little or basic English. Some professional jobs, such as nursing, require a more proficient level of English. In the first recruitment interview, the recruiter will learn about your experience in speaking English and we will pair you up with an appropriate job.
If you are interested in moving, start learning now! Learning English will help you in your work, shop for groceries, and make friends in your new community. When you get to the United States we will connect you with English learning classes and resources.
Can my family come with?
Yes. We believe in keeping families together. Any member of your family that is eligible to work can apply for work through Workforce Hope. Every hired individual will have their legal and travel fees paid through the employer. If you aren’t able to pay the legal or travel fees for any non-hired family member, we will try to pair you with an employer that will offer a micro-loan to cover the cost of legal and travel fees.
Where will I live?
Your employer and the Workforce Hope Foundation will work to secure housing, likely an apartment. You may choose to accept a micro-loan from your employer if you aren’t able to pay for rent in the first couple of months. (That’s okay!)
How much does this cost?
The legal processing and travel for hired employees is paid for by the employer. Workforce Hope will never ask you for money.